Recently released trailers for the upcoming Silent Hill Ascension look creepy and unsettled enough, but then I'm a bit confused about what this will actually be.

Firstly here is the official trailer:

It has a feel more of a Netflix series, and it's an interactive streaming series. But the developer says it won't be like Black Mirror. Instead it will be streaming live from a game engine backend that will be accepting all of the inputs from the whole collective of the live audience. So crowd control descission making. And the story will go on for months.

So does this mean we will need to be there at a specific time to watch and interact with this? The dev also said you will have direct control over exploring as the characters and there will be QTE scenes as well. And you will be able to watch and interact with each episode after it was live, and your decisions will still be added to the audience collective descissions, which I don't quite get how that will work yet.

It does sound like an ambitious project. I'm not sure yet though as interactive streaming episodes have been little more than choose your own adventures to date. Also not sure what platform this will be released on yet.

I will give it a go when it does come out though just to see. Anyone else interested to see what this is on release?