This proves an OS/Platform is becoming popular when more and more emulators start to appear.

DroidPUAE is new Amiga emulator for Android.

Currently compared to UAE4Droid:

  • as in PUAE - support for hard disk and HDFs
  • as in PUAE - support for 68020+ and AGA
  • probably slower than UAE4Droid
  • and no sound for now.

This new emulator is an Android is a port of PUAE. That is itself a new Unix/Linux Amiga emulator that has recently appeared and is itself a new project to try and continue the old E-UAE emulator and combine it with the current WinUAE development. So if you are a Linux user PUAE is definitely worth following.

And as PUAE is currently in active development then DroidPUAE has promising future prospects for Android owners.