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Thread: Sickness

  1. #1
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Ok, so I'm quite sick at the moment, everything started with a prostatitis some weeks ago, PSA on 7.5 and together with that I was coughing all the time. So I got antibiotics for the prostatitis and the PSA went down again after 1 week. Then after 3 weeks I finished the antibiotics and 3-4 days later it started again. Went back to urologist and had to make blood, urine and sperm tests which showed that the PSA was still fine, but I got 2 different medications which I have to take for the next 3 months.

    Coughing didn't stop and I got fever all the time, so the urologist thought that this does not necessarily come due to the prostatitis and I went on to make some other tests, basically for the lungs.

    The last week then I had higher fever for 5 days straight and I made a radio on Friday to see first if it's not again a sarcoidosis as I already had one beginning of 2000. I also had to do a scanner, but only last Wednesday. Radio and further blood tests showed no sarcoidosis so I was happy and because I got new antibiotics for lung treatment I felt better from Monday on.

    Tuesday evening my leg started hurting a bit and Wednesday morning I woke up at 7 and my right leg was hurting like hell, so I looked down and noticed that it was completely blue and had swollen to the double size than the left leg. It was hurting so much and could barely walk so that I told my girlfriend to drive me to the emergency.

    There they made an echography and found out that I had a thrombose and I had to lie down until they find out what exactly is happening. They then took me to the scanner for the lungs and found out that I had a pulmonary embolism caused by the thrombose.

    I stayed in a bed in the emergency until they found me a room in cardiology. I got my leg tightly bandaged straight away and blood thinner injections. There was quite a big blood clot that shot up through the whole body, through the heart and ended up in my lungs causing this. Doctor said it was good that I came, as also if the blood clot remains inside the heart, you will die.

    So I spend now the last 4 days in hospital getting monitored, not allowed to stand up at all and getting these injections.

    Today I was allowed to come home but have to take those anticoagulant pills for the next 6 month. I'm not allowed to do anything where I might hurt myself as this means I could bleed out quite fast, so it's quite dangerous. I need also the leg bandaged all the time to help the blood thinning faster which unfortunately does not prevent another blood clot shooting up.

    My leg is still hurting like a bitch and I can only walk for around for 20 seconds, after that I have to lie down immediately as it becomes too painful.

    I'm also still taking the pills for the prostatitis which seems to get better though. And I still have to see an internist to determine if it is not a permanent embolism as I already had this sarcoidosis, if it is like that I would need to take the anticoagulants for life which is obviously not optimal at all. Inner bleeding is becoming highly dangerous and lethal.

  2. #2
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Well DC, I'm no Doc by any means & all the good Doc's left the medical trade many years ago because of the way the medical profession has gone.

    It's gone to rot because they have a pill for pretty much everything these days, but the pills don't put things right. They just supress the condition in an effort to try & prolong a healthy life. So you get one pill for something & then have to take another half dozen pills to combat the other two to combat the first & then the 0lder you get, the more pills you have to take because of other complications the first half dozen chemical tablets caused....

    Every males Prostate enlarges at some point in their life & lifestyle can help prevent this becoming an obstacle. We all go through irreversible changes in life & are not taught about these events when we are young. - Most would probably be affected by the knowledge when so young. - If your partner doesn't want sex regularly, being a W*nker isn't as bad as it might sound, because emptying your sack on a regular basis is a great way to stop future prostrate issues arising. - Prostrate enlargement is the norm, you just don't want it to be lumpy & bumpy & no... you don't get hairy palms for servicing yourself!

    I'm 61 this year & don't take a single tablet. Sure, I did ten years on Creon 10000 because some cock of a Doc said I had Panaceas Insufficiency & it was why I was weighing 8.75 Stones (55.56507Kg). - The f'k it was.... My rotten teeth were killing me & causing cancerous growths in my bowel....
    So nearly £20K later & after paying for a one day smile & getting rid of the rot going though my body, I haven't taken a single Creon 10000 tablet in the last seven years & consider myself pretty healthy despite a 32" waist instead of 28". - Bloody Desk Work.....

    Sickness for me is feeling unwell for a day or two, maybe two weeks if Chicken Pox or measles.

    I'd say you're suffering from an overall system shock & I dare say your recent back injury didn't help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

    Everything in the Universe has a vibration. When things don't vibrate right, it starts to decay fella & I'm so really sorry to hear you are going through all this sh!t right now.

    Check your food diet for plenty of Fibre; Moderate exercise; Avoid Alcohol; Don't Smoke or Vape; Think & live as healthy as you can bud & I hope you can feel more comfortable sooner rather than later.
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  3. #3
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    @DC. Shit man, so sorry to hear you have been going through so much. Thoughts are with you and hope you manage to get through this soon and can enjoy life again. You are really not having much luck medically are you. All that trouble with your back, and now all of this.

    Get well soon Giles.

    @Kin 28" waist? And you think 32" is big? That's really skinny mate.

    I'm 5'11" and even when at my ideal weight of 12 stone my waist was still 34". More often it's 36" and I'm still happy with that as that is the recommened size for my height.

    Here's a funny statistics. UK average waist size overall is 36" and weighing 180 pounds. US average waist size is 40.2" and weighing 197.9 pounds.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  4. #4
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
    @DC. Shit man, so sorry to hear you have been going through so much. Thoughts are with you and hope you manage to get through this soon and can enjoy life again. You are really not having much luck medically are you. All that trouble with your back, and now all of this.

    Get well soon Giles.
    Well thanks, don't forget my heart surgery some years ago

    I always say that I will go through everything now and get over with and when I retire in 9.5 years I will hopefully be healthy.

    Yesterday evening we had quite a scare as my head started hurting (temple) and when trying to sleep it didn't stop. The doctor told me that I might get headache because of the Xarelto pills but as I never have problems with headaches we were still worried and were afraid that it could be related to some blood clot again. Called the emergency but the guy said if it's not better I should come there as they could not make a consultation via phone. Well I was not too eager to go back there. We then checked if I could take any painkiller, ibuprofen and aspirin are a no go, but paracetamol is fine, I then took some and it helped.

    Talking about size, I'm 6'7" and since over 30 years around 220 pounds (15.7 stone, 100kg) which is perfect for my size. Don't know my waist, but I think my pants are all 36.
    Last edited by Demon Cleaner; 27th August 2023 at 07:28.

  5. #5
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Sorry to be shaped like a Cobra & used to run 30 miles without breaking into a sweat with a 28" waist & 38" chest, plus an 8-Pack of Abs (not 6) & the stamina of a Stallion from the Middle East!

    I'm not happy hanging on to a 32" waist & feeling podgy for it, but it's what you know is right for you personally. - No one & no average stats can tell you that & I certainly know one thing.... I'm not your average kind of guy!


    Rethink your life style fella. It will hep massively. Trust me & get better soon!

    Now where did Deb hide that bottle of Jack Daniels....
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  6. #6
    Burn! Hot Blooded Rhythm Soul! Staff Moderator
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    Good luck DC, I hope that you're on the mend and back to full strength soon.

  7. #7
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Look after yourself DC & take care.

    Charlie & Debbie

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  8. #8
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Thanks guys

    Feeling ok so far, but not out of danger yet. Wearing my compression socks, looks sexy. My leg is still hurting a lot and I can barely walk, but other than that it seems fine, let's hope it stays like that and gets better over time.

  9. #9
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    The **** guys!!

    My girlfriend felt sick on Thursday evening and and fever, felt quite bad the next 2 days as she had tremendous joint pain in the whole body. Sunday morning her boss wrote her that he has COVID and as they're sitting together in the same office he wanted to let her know. So shortly after that she made a self test and it turned out positive, it's the first time she got it.

    I also didn't have it so far, but now I'm afraid more than ever as it's probably not the best moment to have COVID. Woke up during the night, nose was running and this morning already I don't feel like 100%, can feel that my head starts aching a bit. I just hope I don't get it now, although it is quite probable, and if, I hope that I don't get "super" sick. Definitely don't need it at the moment

  10. #10
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Not good. Fingers crossed not too bad if you do.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

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