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  1. #1
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Call of Duty Modern Warfare


    COD MW crash code/s 0x00007ff9b7afa073 0xc0000005 0x85b4de5b15ecd2fa - all in one go & on one dialogue box!

    Deb bought me this game for Xmas & I had it about three weeks before via Digital Download (150GB later.....)

    I tried the Beta release & was truly gob smacked @ the Graphical Prettiness of the Game. I am very fortunate to run two GTX 1080 Ti's in SLI to see this game perform with such outstanding FPS when maxxed out @ 2560 x 1440 on my nVidia G-Sync IPS panel.

    Ever since I updated to the latest version two days ago, it crashes more than a Bill Gates Windows 98 PeeCee.

    It's amazing seeing how many Front End Game Launchers for Games these days. - Battlenet for this game, Origin for Battlefield etc, Uplay for Far Cry & so on.....

    Drivers for my Rig are as updated as possible, all game launchers are likewise, yet COD MW is just Crash City despite having been released since November the 5th....

    When will they stop coding for Consoles & stop trying to port their shortcut shit over to the PC? - It's bloody annoying.

    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

  2. #2
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    I think it's more the internet that's at fault. Since adsl and faster internet appeared developers think they can just push out unfinished, untested code to pull in money, and think they can just fix it later with updates. We have basically become paying beta testers.

    I remember a few years ago when Star Wars Old Republic came out. I played that a lot in beta, and was eagerly awaiting original launch day. I had preloaded the final rebuttals code and was sitting there as the time arrived. The game loaded and I was presented with a black screen and a mouse pointer. I could hear the amazing intro playing but couldn't see anything. Turned out the devs hadn't made it compatible with the latest gpu drivers. Next day new drivers appeared from both main makers and I was playing. Very annoyed.

    And the size of games is just stupid. I've got a PS4 with a 500GB HD and can only fit about 5 games on it! That's just silly. Gran Turismo Sport with all updates is now 125GB, and even games like Spiderman are 65GB. It's stupid. There just is no need for any game to be that large. Complete lack of optimisation.

    Remember the good old days when a developer had to fit a game into physical media. They had to optimise their code and assets to fit, as well as to get the best performance from the hardware. It always amazed me what Amiga developers could shoehorn into a single floppy disk. That's about the only good argument for a fixed hardware platform. They still need to optimise to some degree for PS4 and Xbox1 to get the most from the hardware. With PC if they can't get a game running smoothly they just stick more expensive hardware recommendations and requirements on the specs and sod all the gamers who can't afford a new £500+ GPU.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  3. #3
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Cornwall. UK.
    Should stay Beta until it's right....

    Size is just down to progress I guess....

    Did a Fresh Install of Windows 10 on Boxing Day! - Game is still shafted but my PC is much faster booting now.
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

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