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  1. #1
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    GHost's movie timeline

    Hi guys,

    Here is a little something I want to share with you all.
    Years ago while I was talking with someone else about favourite 80s and 90s sci fi action movies we enjoyed the topic came up that some movies really could co exist with each other in the same universe and that others must have thought that as well, resulting in comic crossovers like Alien vs Predator and Robocop vs the Terminator.

    I decided to make up a timeline that combines some of those movies in the same universe, the events of one movie even affecting or setting up another movie.

    Hope you all enjoy this.

    * * * * *

    Millions of years ago – The Thing entity spreads across the universe, colonizing and absorbing other lifeforms and sentient beings.
    At some point one of its ships carrying a segment of the entity malfunctions and crashes on Earth in the Antarctic where the ship is quickly covered in ice and snow.

    The Space Jockeys start colonizing the Milkyway galaxy and encounter the The Thing entity. Despite advanced technology the Jockeys are unable to drive the entity back as it spreads across their empire.

    The Jockeys engineer the xenomorph entity to terraform worlds for them and eliminate The Thing entity.
    The Thing entity can not assimilate or absorb the xenomorph creature due to its unique genetic structure while the creature is so designed that it can reproduce by infecting The Thing related lifeforms as well as local life.

    The new strategy proves to be successful and the entity is almost completely eliminated throughout the galaxy, with only segments of it remaining on distant worlds such as Earth.
    The entity on Earth keeps waiting for a rescue ship that never comes.

    During a mission the crew of a Jockey space bomber are 'infected' by their cargo and the ship crashes on a moon that in the future would be designated LV-426/Acheron in the Zeta Reticuli system

    A civil war breaks out amongst the Space Jockeys, the xenomorphs are now used against different Jockey factions.
    During the war the Jockeys discover that the xenomorph creature is too adaptive and it mutates into a form that the creatures can no longer be controlled.

    Almost all Jockeys are exterminated by the xenomorphs and the survivors flee from the known galaxy.

    An unknown alien intelligence comes across the emerging human species and takes time to study them.
    This intelligence later leaves an artifact; the atmosphere reactor on Mars for future humanity to discover.
    The device is capable of converting Mars into an Earth like world, suitable for human habitation.

    1982 – Events of John Carpenter's The Thing take place.

    The bodies of MacReady and Childs are found by a rescue team as well as the remains of The Thing entity.
    A research team is assembled to study the remains, quickly discover the virulent nature of the creature. Believing it to be possible to use The Thing entity as a biological weapon against foreign nations but not wanting to risk a pre mature outbreak the decision is made to launch The Thing samples into orbit on board a research probe for further study in maximum safety conditions.

    The probe's weak radiation shielding fail to protect the samples of The Thing entity, severely retarding it to the point it is nothing more than an instinctive creature that only seeks to feed and increase its mass, loosing all its knowledge and intelligence and ability to shape shift into other forms.

    Realizing the possibility of future encounters with The Thing entity or any other space travel capable civilizations the US forms a covert organization which purpose is to study any alien related subjects and develop defense strategies against possible invasions.

    1984 – Events of The Terminator take place.

    Cyberdyne Systems recovers remains of the Terminator, their computer scientists study the recovered CPU chip which design surpasses anything that exists on the market today.
    The remains are transferred to their research department for reverse engineering.

    1987 – Events of Predator take place.

    Dutch and a local woman are airlifted from the Colombian jungle and debriefed. When Dutch informs his superiors about his unit having encountered a technologically advanced extra terrestrial the covert organization dealing with ETs is contacted and Dutch and the local are transferred to their custody.

    A covert search and retrieval team is dispatched to the Colombian jungle to search for any technological remains of the alien visitor.

    The Thing entity on board the space probe breaks free from containment and damages the probe's navigation systems, making the probe enter the atmosphere and crash on Earth.
    Dr Christopher Meddows who oversees the project and weaponization of the creature dispatches a military unit and a division of scientists with himself at the head to recapture the creature and ensure no public awareness.

    1988 – Events of The Blob remake take place.

    The covert government organization discovers that Reverend Jacob Meeker is in possession of a sample of the creature, a covert manhunt is started for the mad preacher who plans to unleash it as part of his prophecized 'apocalypse'.

    Miles Dyson is assigned to the research project to study the remains of the Terminator unit, it inspired him to create a new type of microprocessor unit that would eventually lead to the development of the Skynet computer for SAC – NORAD.

    1995 – Events of Terminator 2 Judgment Day take place.

    The Skynet future is aborted with the destruction of Cyberdyne's main research & development facility and the loss of the microchip of the first terminator.
    The company suffers a severe drop of its stock in the aftermath and is bought out by the OCP conglomerate.

    1997 – Events of Predator 2 take place.

    The Predator species deems Earth no longer a suitable hunting ground due to human advancement and in the following decades visits to Earth decrease.

    After a near hit by an Earth Grazing Asteroid, a series of laser cannons are established in orbit around Earth to deflect any future incoming objects.

    Russia and China accuse the United States from seeking to acquire military dominance of space through these laser cannons, stating that they can easily be pointed 'inwards' towards Earth's surface.

    Most of the ozone layer is completely depleted, causing an increase in the number of patients with skin cancer.
    Corporations develop and market new skin protection creams against ultra violet rays, most of these goods have been rushed through development and have barely been tested.

    In order to overcome any public fallout corporate lobbyists within the US senate manage to have laws regarding consumer products altered so that companies only need to warn against possible toxicity of their products and are not liable for any medical cases caused by them.

    20## – Events of Robocop take place.

    In order to compete with the American corporations the British Weyland and Japanese Yutani corporations merge into one entity.
    One of their business focuses is the colonization of the solar system and the exploitation of resources in space to feed an ever increasing resource hungry Earth.

    Practical fusion power is developed, leading to fusion power plants and the first generation of fusion drive using interplanetary ships.

    Engineers develop the first hypersleep chambers, viable hibernation technology that allows for long range missions and the manned exploration of the Solar System.

    With the death of the founder of OCP and the failure to start on the Delta City project the OCP conglomerate defaults and segments of the company are sold off or go their own direction.
    Cyberdyne Systems once again exists as an independent entity and focuses on the development of computers and robotics.

    Work is done on a new series of supercomputers that would eventually lead to the MU-TH-UR computer that would become standard on interplanetary and later interstellar spaceships.

    The Tyrell corporation is formed, focusing on medical and bio technologies. Eventually their scientists and engineers develop the first replicant, leading to the development of various models such as worker, entertainer/pleasure and combat models.

    With an increase in interplanetary travel Antarctica Traffic Control facility is established.

    20## – Events of Outland take place on Io.

    Due to the dangers of space exploration and exploitation human workers are slowly replaced by replicants which are considered cheaper and expendable.

    An incident involving 'defective' replicants takes place on one of the colonies, as a result laws are passed forbidding the use and presence of replicants on Earth.

    The Tachyon Hyperdrive Shunt is developed, allowing faster than light travel and the exploration of the milkyway galaxy. Some rumors suggest that the drive is based on alien technology left by visitors to Earth in the recent past.

    The drive works by converting baryonic matter into tachyonic matter that travels faster than light.
    Due to the problems of long range travel, supplies and logistics (not every planet can support a full spaceport or service station for FTL spacecraft) hypersleep chambers and stasis technologies are required for journeys lasting more than several months.

    The Tannhäuser Gate space station is assembled at the Border in orbit around the Tannhäuser colony, it serves as a way station between the Core systems and the outer rim.

    Strong arm tactics handled by the corporations on the colonies starts a series of violent revolutions amongst the colonists.
    Corporate administrators are either send back to Earth or are violently killed as colonies declare themselves independent of Earth.
    One rebel group manages to capture Tannhäuser Gate and take control of it.

    The United States, pushed by the corporations, sends battalions of combat replicants to quell the revolts and restore corporate control.

    The battle of Tannhäuser Gate takes place, the Replicant Roy Batty is one of the combatants involved.

    While most of the revolts on the inner colonies are put down quickly, revolution persists on the outer colonies for decades to come.

    2019 – Events of Blade Runner take place.

    It comes to UN attention that the incident with a group of replicants on Earth wasn't the first incident that involved military class replicants.
    An investigation reveals the true number of similar incidents on various colonies which is far greater than previously was admitted.

    Under pressure of the UN corporations are forced to adopt new regulations forbidding the development of further military grade replicants or other types of combat android.
    Furthermore all military grade replicants are recalled for destruction, from now on replicants and later androids are only allowed to fill support roles in the armed forces.

    Rumors persist of illegal military replicants/androids still being manufactured on corporate controlled worlds and being part of corporate security/military forces.

    The replicant market experiences severe competition from the development in androids which are cheaper to manufacture and more stable than the replicant models.

    Cyberdyne merges with another corporation (Tyrell?) and forms Hyperdyne.

    A relative minor corporation buys the colonization and exploitation rights to Mars.
    Mars previously was dismissed by the corporations due to the lack of resources in useful quantities and was mostly ignored when ships and probes were send to the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

    In truth a year before a specialized deep scanning sensor probe belonging to the corporation had detected traces of an unknown element on Mars during a routine analysis of Mars.
    The element, now named Turbinium proves to be useful for the construction of power plants and hyperdrive components.

    Mars becomes a corporate world as colonists and robots are send to establish mines and large habitats.
    Prolonged exposure to raw Turbinium causes unusual mutations in the children of the miners such as severe deformities and dwarfism.
    However there are also cases noted of some mutants developing ESP abilities which were previously thought impossible.

    Some research is done into these but the abilities can not be recreated in regular humans.

    Paranoids on Earth have purity laws passed, forbidding the mutant colonists on Mars from ever leaving the red planet and go to Earth or the other colonies.

    Colonists on Mars unite to fight for more rights and better living conditions, the government formed by the corporation declares the movement to be in breach of corporate contract and it is declared illegal.
    The movement goes underground and forms a resistance group that seeks to destabilize the corporate rule on Mars.

    Interplanetary tourism for the middle class becomes a reality, on a regular schedule passenger liners visit the various worlds of the Solar System.

    Study into the human mind reveals it to be possible to create artificial memories that can feel to the subject as real as his or her own.
    The technology is commercialized for the purpose of entertainment. Companies like Rekall offer customers artificial vacations and adventures.

    The technology proves to be a heavy competition to the space tourism business as customers no longer have to stay on board a space liner for weeks despite how luxurious the accommodations are.

    2084 – Events of Total Recall take place.

    With the death of governor Vilos Cohaagen, his administration collapses and the dominant corporation on Mars suffers a severe decline of its stock in the aftermath of the terraforming of Mars. Weyland – Yutani is quick to buy up the corporation's assets and its colonization and exploitation rights to Mars.

    Quaid and Melina are approached by representatives of the US government before they can reveal the existence of alien technology on Mars and are forced to remain silent about it.
    A cover story is released that the terraforming technology was actually developed by the previous dominant corporation on Mars as part of their long term effort to make the red planet more suitable for humans.

    Weyland – Yutani sends scientific personnel to study the alien reactor, combining the knowledge learned from it with their other terraforming research into creating a human knock off; the Atmospheric Processor.
    The human version is somewhat less effective than the alien original, requiring decades to recreate the same conditions as on Earth and Mars.

    2104 – The United States merges with Canada and Mexico, forming the United Americas, over the years other Middle and South American nations join the new super-bloc.

    An incident happens during which Weyland-Yutani personnel for the first time come in contact with Space Jockey technology and the xenomorph lifeform.
    W-Y manages to cover up the details of the encounter but have become interested in the Space Jockeys' technology; in particular the xenomorph.
    Computers on all their long range ships and probes are programmed to be on the look out for any further evidence on either and to relay this through the Network to W-Y.

    A long range probe detects a repeating transmission that matches the profile used by the Jockeys originating from Zeta Reticuli and relays it to Weyland Yutani headquarters. Orders are send to the W-Y outpost on Thedus, instructing administrators there to waylay a ship returning to Earth at Zeta Reticuli and retrieve a specimen.
    The Nostromo is selected and its science officer is replaced by a W-Y operative; the android Ash, to oversee the retrieval.

    2122 – Events of Alien take place.

    Gateway station is assembled in orbit around Earth as its primary spacedock for incoming and outgoing spacecraft.

    The first practical Atmospheric Processors are taken into use on worlds previously considered non to minimal suitable for Terran life.

    Another series of revolts take place on the Outer Rim and a number of the rebelling colonies quickly unite into a new government called the Union of Progressive Peoples, a government with a neo communist agenda.

    The other rebelling colonies are brought back into line but in order to give the colonies a 'fair voice' and prevent future unrest the Colonial Government is established. In general the Colonial Government is a sham as it is controlled by the corporations from behind the scenes.

    The Colonial Marines are established as the military branch of the Colonial Government, replacing previously established military organizations and absorbing them into the CMC.

    Next to the tasks of putting down rebellions and anti piracy operations the CMC's main task is to prevent the UPP from expanding into Colonial Government space.

    A state of cold war comes into existence between the Colonial Government and the UPP.
    While the occasional skirmish and 'system grab' happens between the two nations neither side is willing to risk open warfare because of various reasons.

    2179 – Events of Aliens take place.

    Lt. Ellen Ripley gets infected by a xenomorph when a facehugger breaches her hypersleep chamber.
    Released acid causes fire in the cryogenics bay and emergency systems automatically transfer the pods of Ripley, Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden, Dwayne Hicks, and Bishop to an EEV that is released from the Sulaco and is later caught by the gravity field of Fiorina 'Fury' 161, site of a double Y maximum security work correctional facility.

    2179 continuation – Events of Alien 3 take place.

    While Lt. Ellen Ripley undergoes a medical scan in the Sulaco's EEV, the capsule's computer automatically transmits the readings through the Network and it is intercepted by Weyland Yutani.

    The information is send to the Patna, a Weyland – Yutani ship that had already been dispatched after loosing contact with the Sulaco.
    Patna's crew, a combination of medical scientists and mercenaries under leadership of the designer of the Bishop android series are ordered to head to the Fiorina system immediately and put Lt. Ripley in stasis for extraction back to Earth.
    All personnel and civilians on the site are deemed 'expendable'.
    Last edited by Ghost; 22nd May 2015 at 05:30. Reason: grammar errors, horrible grammar errors
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  2. #2
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    You nearly had me, but the further I read into your post.....

    I'm afraid I have to vote with "No confidence" as you blatantly refuse to include the Star Wars Saga.
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

  3. #3
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    Seeing as that is in a galaxy far far away, it doesn't really fit this 'alternative history and future timeline according to the movies'

    But in all seriousness, I mostly stuck with movies that seemed to be able to co exist in the same universe without screwing each other up (to much).
    So movies that for example have the West Coast nuked before, during or at the end of the story are automatically excluded as we see in later movies that the West Coast is still pretty much around.
    This also made it difficult I think to for example include 'Escape from New York'.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  4. #4
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    Also disappointed that Star Wars was not somehow included!

    Joking aside, that's quite some work combining and merging the timelines of so many movie events.

    Are you sticking purely to films where the majority of events are human only and don't involve much alien intervention?

    You have included Alien, so why not Predator?

    What about 2001?

    Battlestar Galactica robot uprising? (utilising the events of Caprica as a starting point)

    And I can understand why you avoiding things like Star Trek because they have their own complete universe and timeline of events.

    Definitely an interesting project and one which could lend itself well to fan fiction or graphic novels.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
    You have included Alien, so why not Predator?
    Actually he included Predator.

  6. #6
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost
    Years ago while I was talking with someone else about favourite 80s and 90s sci fi action movies we enjoyed the topic came up that some movies really could co exist with each other in the same universe
    Just so we're all on the same page here & not wanting to appear pedantic ......

    Star Wars is in a Galaxy Far Far away for sure (according to George Lucas) but it most definitely is in our Universe. In fact, George lives on Planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy, in the Universe. There could be other undiscovered Universes, even parallel ones, but for what we know right now there is just one Universe.

    But I kinda know where you are & also glad in a way you didn't include the Star Wars saga. For me, it makes the same timeline Star Trek look wet (the last 2 Star Trek films were absolutely Epic for me btw)

    Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post

    Battlestar Galactica robot uprising? (utilising the events of Caprica as a starting point)

    Before Ghost can reply, I couldn't help myself......

    If you're referring to the 1978/79 version.... way too much "Cheese Factor" for me.
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  7. #7
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    No, the current version, plus the Caprica off shoot Cylon beginnings series.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
    You have included Alien, so why not Predator?
    Actually he included Predator.
    So he did. I admit I only skim read through it as I didn't have much time with my son hanging off my legs pestering me to rebuild his lego again.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  9. #9
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    Hi Guys, I am glad to see that this little project is received so well. It was a lot of fun to come up with it and try to connect it all with each other in some way or another. (some ideas work well, others sometimes require creativity).

    For example I had been thinking of adding the Mad Max movies to the universe but that instead of a world wide collapse of civilization due to resource shortages that it was instead just isolated to Australia and that the continent basically got quarantined from the rest of the world. But I am not sure if this would work as I don't know if Australia is mentioned in other movies I used.

    I was also thinking of adding perhaps movies with other themes such as action (Die Hard, Commando), or Horror (without the sci fi) as I see no reason why it would have to be science fiction only.
    Problem is that it has been such a while that I have seen some of those movies that I don't recall their plot or setting that well any more.
    As for horror, that has never been my personal taste so that is why A Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween are not included or some of the movies based on Stephen King stories, even if they could fit within this.

    Now I see that some people are asking why I have included some movies but not others or particular television). There are various reasons for that.
    DO remember that I mostly took inspiration from movies from the 80s and early 90s (and I smuggled in late 70s in a few cases) and I have been trying to stick to that guideline.

    I will try to answer some of the questions you have asked me such as why I did not include some movies or series.

    >Also disappointed that Star Wars was not somehow included!

    >But I kinda know where you are & also glad in a way you didn't include the Star Wars saga. For me, it makes the same timeline Star Trek look wet (the last 2 Star Trek films were absolutely Epic for me btw)

    I like Star Wars, the original trilogy and parts of its expanded universe in particular before Disney declared it non canon (don't care much for the prequels).
    It wouldn't conflict with the timeline I made up, but it would not add much either to it. It would be just 'there'.
    It is not like space explorers would find Darth Vader's helmet or a piece of the Death Star.
    I think Star Wars was pretty much a sci fi movie franchise in this universe as it is in ours.

    >Are you sticking purely to films where the majority of events are human only and don't involve much alien intervention?

    Yes, a reason why I did this is because even in Ripley's time which is the 22th century there was no public knowledge about any sentient extra terrestrials despite that humanity have been exploring space for a while.
    It is save to assume that intelligent life is really rare in the universe and that the governments and corporations have done a good job in covering up anything previously related to these such as the encounter with The Thing, the Predators' visits to Earth, the alien atmosphere generator on Mars. (anything to do with the Terminator and the Skynet future though only a few people knew of that in the first place)

    I am sure there is some evidence and information about these but that it is kept well hidden from the general public.

    >What about 2001?

    That movie is a bit hard to integrate with Robocop preceding it and Outland that comes after it.
    It wouldn't be impossible but I think it refers to some elements that were never mentioned in some form in the other movies that make a connection possible.
    I could make up that for example the monolith in orbit around Jupiter was never discovered by any commercial spacecraft after Discovery's visit or that it was destroyed in some way, but it would have to go as by the time of Outland Jupiter was an industrial hub.

    2010 is completely out of the question as it not only ended with Jupiter becoming a second smaller sun but that it was also done by an alien intelligence who made clear to humanity to stay away from Europa.
    And as Jupiter is still Jupiter in Outland is could not have become a star.

    >Battlestar Galactica robot uprising? (utilising the events of Caprica as a starting point)

    Like with Star Wars it would just be there. It would not add much to the timeline as there are no reference to elements that could also be recognized in the BSG universe such as all Earth humans being part Cylon.

    BSG and Caprica were also much later made than the movies I used for this timeline.

    And last, I never watched either of these shows.

    >And I can understand why you avoiding things like Star Trek because they have their own complete universe and timeline of events.

    Exactly! It is pretty much self contained and could not be fitted into the timeline of the other movies. Stuff like the Eugenic Wars, Third World War (which First Contact showed was global), and it would have to be explained how after Ripley's era human society suddenly abandoned the capitalist market, embraced a large degree of socialism, did away with androids and corporations, and formed a Federation with other humanoid species not mentioned before.

    On a side note, not much of a fan of the new movies

    >Definitely an interesting project and one which could lend itself well to fan fiction or graphic novels.

    I honestly have been playing with that sometimes, using the covert organization I mentioned earlier. I had been thinking of merging it with US Department of Science or 'The Shop' mentioned in some of Stephen King's storylines, an organization that deals with matters such as advanced technologies, genetic engineering, Artificial Intelligence, ESP, the Supernatural, Aliens, Time Travel, other realities and dimensions and so on. But as I don't use those stories it would be sort of difficult)

    This organization was originally set up by the US government to study the unusual events and encounters in these movies in an effort to try to contain them, and in general protect society from any potential dangers (and study any commercial applications and possibilities). However it in general fails at any of these tasks as it is very difficult to prepare for a lot of these scenarios and develop a proper counter strategy to it.
    Worse the organization even caused some of the dangers themselves with their own experiments in an attempt to harness some of these powers and technologies.

    Eventually during the 21st Century it went rogue when governments were slowly being taken over by corporations and replaced by them.
    Using several corporations of its own as a front in order to have an income (this based on some of the applications and technologies they have developed during their studies into these various subjects) this organization is still thinking it is fighting the good fight, but in general it has become as ineffective as the governments and corporations it detests.

    I would love to do stories about this organization and its agents as they try to clean up the mess left after some of these movies and get an understanding of what has happened. Think sort of the X Files but from the viewpoint of the Syndicate.

    Edit; thinking of it, I could include the first three Indiana Jones movies (sorry people, I don't like Skull) and the Rocketeer movie into this timeline. Will give it some thought.
    Last edited by Ghost; 21st May 2015 at 21:03. Reason: Had a brain storm.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

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