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  1. #1
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    The upcoming Wasteland 2

    Hello all,

    Has anyone here perhaps heard of the game Wasteland 2 and perhaps participated in the Kickstarter?
    I am curious to know if there are and if they like me have also been trying out the game's Beta since it came out on Steam.

    Current plans are that the game will be finished around the same time next month and then be fully released.

    Just a quick summary; the original Wasteland was sort of the grandfather of the Fallout series, it being one of the first PC rpgs in which the player were exploring an apocalyptic Earth after a devastating nuclear war, meeting NPCs, resolving quests, and fighting various enemies.

    Fallout was created when the people behind Wasteland could not get the license rights from EA back to create a sequel.

    Wasteland unlike Fallout is more exploration and action oriented and conversation takes a bit of a back seat in the game and it sequel (in the part I have played for now).
    I can't comment much about the original game's fighting mechanic as I have only played it a few times, it is mostly a statistic affair that involves the digital dice, but the second game's fighting is a bit more tactical like Fallout Tactics and probably X-Com lite in which you can position your characters and make use of obstacles barriers.

    It was a little bit like trying to remember the original Fallout games and other overhead strategy games when I played Wasteland 2 as it is quite different from Fallout New Vegas.
    But now that I am finally getting the hang of it it is a fun game to play even if it doesn't focus as heavily on story telling and dialog like other games I enjoy.

    It is perhaps not a graphical power house game like a lot of releases these days but I still think the graphics are well done for a small game like these, and I like the little details the artists have put in the work.

    A lot of the assets were actually made by outsiders on request of the developers and their work is now available on the Unity store for other game designers to use.

    There is quite a steep difference in quality of some of the levels though, some are done much better than others, especially the big maps compared to the little ones which are sometimes quite bare boned.

    Hope anyone else responds.
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  2. #2
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    I have it, but didn't try it yet.

  3. #3
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner View Post
    I have it, but didn't try it yet.
    I would wait with playing it DC, the Beta has been unstable in certain areas and it kind of spoils a lot for when you get to play the final game.
    It will be a while before I will be playing it again as I kind of tired of going through the same places over and over again as each new version of the Beta makes the old save games useless.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

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    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  4. #4
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    I've been following its progress, but am going to wait until after its released and is available at some time in the future on discount (hardly ever buy a game full priced).

    I hadn't realised it was a direct predecessor to the Fallout series in terms of developers. Interesting to know and now makes sense why both series had a similar feel to them.

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  5. #5
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    I hadn't realised it was a direct predecessor to the Fallout series in terms of developers. Interesting to know and now makes sense why both series had a similar feel to them.
    Serious Dave?
    I would think that you of all people would know about Fallout and Wasteland's connection and shared history.

    Anyway, while I like Wasteland 2 its atmosphere is quite different than that of Fallout regarding pop culture, and truth be told Fallout will always be for me both the introduction to PA game and the best example of such games.
    Wasteland is a little to much combat oriented for my taste.

    I've been following its progress, but am going to wait until after its released and is available at some time in the future on discount (hardly ever buy a game full priced).
    The final game will be a lot cheaper than the current Early Access version which is so expensive as it the same amount Kickstarter participators had to pay in order to get access to the Beta version as a reward, plus there are some extras like the original game, some novellas, and the soundtrack.

    But yeah better wait until it is sold for that price or perhaps a little lower.
    Not that the game is bad mind you but I myself would not replay it very often once I have finished it.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

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    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  6. #6
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    I really don't like this new approach to early access for new games. Charging early alpha/beta testers a lot of money for the privilege of beta testing the game for the developers, then as the game progresses through beta it gets offered cheaper, until it hits retail at a far lower price. What ever happened to the discounted/free trial periods gamers used to enjoy to help test out games. The last beta I played a lot of was Star Wars: The Old Republic and that was a really well handled beta, but as is normal the beta saves were never carried over to the retail game.

    A good example of this new rip off pricing structure is Elite: Dangerous. When it was initially on kickstarter people had to pay $150 to gain access to the early alpha and beta builds of the game. Now that it is in later beta stage people can purchase the game at half that initial asking price, $75. By the time it hits retail people are going to be able to buy it for $29 I expect.
    Last edited by Harrison; 1st August 2014 at 07:53.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  7. #7
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    Btw, at the moment I'm playing a game called Halfway on the PC, it's a turn based sci-fi strategy game like X-COM with old school pixelated graphics, it's quite good. Didn't play that much yet, but so far I quite like it, you should check it out.

    Btw, also try Gods Will Be Watching, really nice one

  8. #8
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    From what I understand the Beta was originally not even suppose to available for those who had not participated in the Kickstarter.
    So when the decision was made that it would it would probably have felt like a slap in the face to all those Kickstarter payers who did pay extra to be allowed to play the early versions of Wasteland 2.

    I find it kind of understandable but perhaps in response any future expansion or other game will be a closed Beta again that is only available for the people who participated in the Kickstarter.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

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    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  9. #9
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    I suppose that does give kickstarters some incentive to be happy about it then. Plus they get any DLC free in future, whereas others buying now have to pay extra for them later... expect a season pass to rip us all off some more!

    Serious Dave?
    I would think that you of all people would know about Fallout and Wasteland's connection and shared history.
    I probably did back at the time, but I play so many games on so many systems that it's hard to remember the history of every one.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  10. #10
    Harmless Storm's Avatar
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    Very, very soon the physical copies will be shipped out. I can't wait. Well I can really as I have so many other games to play
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