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Thread: New Mac Pro

  1. #1
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    New Mac Pro

    Has anyone seen the preview for the forthcoming Mac Pro?

    I have to admit how impressive it looks. And how small? Just 6.6" by 9.9". And a very interesting looking cooling design, venting all heat into a central heatsink from all components and using a single large fan at the top.

    Hardware spec looks impressive too, although it looks like its a fixed design that won't be upgradable. And with the fixed SSD and no drive bays, all user storage would need to be external via USB or Thunderbolt, so not ideal in my view.

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  2. #2
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Just saw it 5 minutes ago, as Rob was checking it out. Impressive - yes, interesting - no

  3. #3
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Oh I say!

    Simply stunning design, performance claims are superb, which sort of explains why they chose cheaper AMD Gfx instead of nVidia. (keep costs down)
    The Gfx choice lets the whole thing down for me.

    Other than that & it having to have a cluster-f'k of External hard drives, hat's are off MAC.

    ....Kin wonders if it would be over-clockable.....
    Last edited by Kin Hell; 15th June 2013 at 08:16.
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  4. #4
    RetroSteve! My location

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    Is it that cylinder thing?

    Looks weird.

  5. #5
    C64 addict Staff Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kin Hell View Post
    The Gfx choice lets the whole thing down for me.
    That has always been the same for Apple products, they are clearly never meant for high end gaming.

  6. #6
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kin Hell View Post
    The Gfx choice lets the whole thing down for me.
    That has always been the same for Apple products, they are clearly never meant for high end gaming.
    Because there are no real games ever written for the MAC.... Steam got ported to the MAC & kinda fails it's true potential with AMD behind it.

    It's always been the same.....MAC's were always DTP (Desk Top Publishing) back in the day of the real Amiga Years. Amiga's were Graphics/Games, & ....*cough/barf*.... Atari's were Music.... whilst DOS, aka Bill Gates, were still pissing in the wind. Amiga-DOS (a cut down version of UNIX) brought a really user-friendly click/drag-drop user interface that Bill was dying to have for himself. - Kinda makes you wonder if Bill had something to do with the final demise of of Commodore & that feeling is Amiga-worldwide-ish to this day. - Often thought about but never proved & always a hard-core discussion topic for any serious Big-Box Amiga user to this day. Much in line with the idea of PPC cards being used as parallel processing option, which got seriously screwed up with the release of OS4.0/4.1 Classsic. For my bucksworth, all OS4.0 Classic ever did was a seriously piss poor emulation of AmigaDOS. - OS3.9 with an 060 CPU behind it absolutely whoops the ass clean off a PPC604e@233Mhz. Even Stans 333Mhz coversions still leave OS4.0 Classic pissing in the wind over an 060 under OS3.9. - Ask rowjaws over @ AmiBay..... - I really can't answer honestly about OS4.1 Classic, not having had the experience, but from what I saw of 233Mhz PPC under OS4.0 & in retrospect imho, a fictitious 800Mhz PPC unit base on OS4.0 Classic Emulating AmigaDOS would still struggle against a 50Mhz 060 running OS3.9.

    For the real Die-Hard Amiga nuts back in the Day, an 040 based Amiga emulating a MAC floored the best that MAC could offer in the day. - in fact, an 060 emulating the MAC totally killed it in every instance & other coders programming other Emulators did exactly the same & hell, Parallel processing as intended by C= was never ever really dragged into the equation. This left & still leaves Hyperions OS Classic a piece of bastardized cr4p.

    Some that read this might feel the same, yet I expect the majority of Amiga users these days know no different. The Amiga these days is still a survivor in many ways & it's true potential was never fully released; - Much like Intel/nVidia & AMD thesedays.... _ Always releasing new crap that never ever has had it's true potential fully exploited. - Same crap happened on the Play Station only have to look @ what Sony coders got from improving Teken on the same platform for several years.

    Meantime, Intel shit on society releasing Haswell asking for another socket & chipset for an extension of their brilliant technology. - Hardware becomes obsolete in months instead years & everbody body sucks it up.

    I simply refuse to to listen to any comment opposing these remarks I make, unless they are "Old-School Big Box" Amiga users & only then would I be up for a friendly banter-like fight. - A very very close friend at the time, Mr. D. Carxxxxxr (aka UNIX Manager with a sincere & seriously hard-core passionate love for Amiga's) "Where for are thou' these days?":
    It would absolutely fantastic to hear your comments RE. Parallel Processing on the Amiga, especially with the Coventry based company designing a ZORRO based card using Transputer Chips in Parallel to Ray Race using FP (Floating Pont) calculations for light-speed 3D-Rendering. - This guy was I.T Manager for the company that manufactured these Transputer chips to control Rapier Guidance Missile Systems.

    Love ya Daz & will to the day I die, ....with the up most respect.

    Most Amiga users these days don't realise that a Big Box Amiga back all those years ago had several DMA Channels it could access. Your latest & Greatest top range MoFo-Ass-Kicking PC has only one "shared" DMA channel at it's beckon. That's why you'll still see a maximised 5Ghz+ IvyBridge system still kill your rig when you throw a CD/DVDROM on IDE into it. - Take an Amiga, add SCSI & watch it breathe. Adding SCSI to a PC still slams everything into only one DMA Channel & whilst better than IDE on a PC, still kinda cripples it..... Ah....But Unix based OS's with SCSI simply love the bandwidth..... Now we're talking over-clocking, but that's another caveat most will never understand. - I love my nearly 30GB/Sec Memory bandwidth with Dual GTX 670's on IVyBridge/Z77 Chipset, but I really wish I had more bandwidth on the system bus with several DMA channels to access it all. Unfortunatley, Bill's bs OS totally f'kd it.
    Last edited by Kin Hell; 19th June 2013 at 00:40.
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

  7. #7
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Macs in the 90s were the only way to run Photoshop, Illustrator etc.. so for designers they were the only platform of choice. That changed once Adobe ported to Windows.

    The Amiga sadly just couldn't deliver any image editing software to match it. I remember the first time I used Photoshop on a Mac and realizing my favourite Amiga software was way behind.

    Apple seem to go with AMD/ATI GPUs mainly. Are nvidia GPUs an option in Macs? I've not looked.

    @Kin. I know you are the biggest nvidia fan ever.. But actually for a high-end Mac their gpus would make sense for gpu processing to aid image editing and video post production. But I'm wondering if OSX doesn't have very good support, if any, for cuda etc.

    Regardless of the gpu used though.. both makes can easily run games. I do wonder why Macs haven't seen more game releases lately, especially since their resurgence. Although I understand Mac sales are still a really small proportion of Apple's overall sales, compared to iPhone and iPad.

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    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  8. #8
    ELITE Kin Hell's Avatar
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    @ H

    Apple = Low sales
    nVidia = More expensive than AMD
    Apple = reliability
    AMD = unreliable compared to nVidia/Intel
    Intel = reliablility
    Apple would want to preserve as much profit as possible so opt for AMD, knowing the AMD Chipset is fine for the desktop applications. I believe Steam got ported over for Apple, but you're just as well Dual Booting into Windows on a MAC if you want to game. The Apple port over which runs on cr4p AMD Graphics is a complete waste of time, making dual booting into windows a better option for gaming on the MAC. Tbh, I don't blame Apple in the slightest.
    Getting 0ld0r is mandatory - Growing up is just an option.

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