Hi guys,

I looked around the net a bit but couldn't find any solid information - So who better to ask then the Amiga gurus?

I have around 600 backed up floppy disks. What I need to know, is how long will they last before they become demagnetized, if ever? Will keeping them in the dark do more damage after a long time then if i kept them in the shade or sunlight?

Right now, they are stored upright disk-to-disk with wood blocks between each letter (Ablock diskdiskdisk....diskdisk BBlock Etc) In a transparent plastic box upstairs on a carpet floor. Reasonably airtight and dusttight.

Also this is a different topic to this, but I recently opened up all my Amigas to make sure they are still in working order after an expansion card with a battery exploded. Unfortunately the card with the explosion went unchecked as I was away and completely ate though the main motherboard of my A500. Luckily the other two had cards without batteries, but I did remove a battery from another card that had not exploded yet. Food for thought!

