Poll: Which version of Vista do you use?

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  1. #11
    Dangerous Inactive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by woody.cool View Post
    I run Vista Ultimate and Vista Home Premium (two different PCs)
    I vote Ultimate as that's the best of what I run, I have Home Premium because that's what came on my laptop when I bought it.
    What were your reasons for buying Ultimate? Just wondering because unless you definitely need to additional business tools there isn't anything different between premium and ultimate (other than the £100 extra). Well, there is the Ultimate Extras, but M$ haven't delivered much of any use with that yet.
    I ... *ahem* ... din't buy Vista Ultimate (I think you know what I mean by that one )
    I do use tools like Remote Desktop etc. to remotely access my PC.
    This is a must for me, as I often need to access the files I have from time to time.
    Unfortunately products like VNC and Remote Administrator don't work with Vista and LogMein seems to randomly screw up on Vista. As for pcAnywhere, I've never bothered trying it on Vista, I doubt that it will work.

    I still have one PC running Windows XP Professional though.

  2. #12
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    I upgraded to Vista Ultimate but I needed it for business purposes. Also, I'm under the impression that Ultimate had some extra language support that any of the cheaper versions did not have. I used to deal with a lot of Japanese clients and I seem to remember that was one of the problems we encountered. I might get the details confused here. This was about year and a half ago and my memory is not quite what it used to be. boho!

    That being said, I also kept XP Pro of course. (Set it up as a multi boot) I upgraded simply so I could keep abreast on what is new. The new office package also took a little getting used to, but I am loving it now.

    Anybody else try the Windows 7 beta yet? I love it!!!!! It's like they took a good long hard look at Vista and changed the parts that didn't work.

  3. #13
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    almost 512mb ram just to be lay down on the sofa. to stand up more 512mb of ram, and if i want to jump i need an extra 1gb....
    with my old config in laptop (1gb) it was really slow, even with no extra software installed... then i bought an extra 1gb, and with 2gb it's better, but slower then xp...
    so i keep the old xp in my laptop...
    in the future, with 4gb or more RAM and powerfull cpus, vista will get better, for now i keep XP.
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  4. #14
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    That is very true Tiago.

    But remember when XP was first released? Most users still owned PCs with just 256MB or ram, or even 128MB and were still running Windows 9x. When they tried to upgrade to XP they had a horrible experience with the new OX taking minutes to boot and then constantly accessing the HD because it had run out of ram.

    These days pretty much any PC is guaranteed to run XP perfectly because all pretty much have at least 512MB of ram, and more 1GB.

    And then the same thing happened with Vista. It really needs a minimum of 2GB of ram to really work well and yet many people still have a PC with 1GB or less ram. But ram is now so cheap that it can easil be upgraded. However I probably woudn't be happy running Vista with less than 3GB of ram as it is very resource hungy.

    I can't wait for Windows 7. I will definitely be adopting that soon after its launch. Not like Vista, which I still don't use if I can help it.

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  5. #15
    Unconfirmed Membership khaxzan's Avatar
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    Windows Vista!


    I'm still on XP

  6. #16
    Competent StuKeith's Avatar
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    Im using 64bit ultimate for main pc as sometimes run a domain server. Also I use a lot of remote stuff and dont HP dosent have that built in as far as remember.

    Main laptop is vista home premium as thats wats on laptop. small laptop has XP Pro, as not too powerfull and use it for fishing and watching tv.

    The wifes netbook is also on xp pro. HTPC is running Windows 7.
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