So, the third installment of the Diablo franchise has been announced for a while now.

Anyone interested in it? I've played the original Diablo on the PSX with my brother, and I remember absolutely loving it (the save file took a whole memory card, though!). The dark atmosphere, creepy music and co-op gameplay was superb.

Diablo II, I played for a while. The single-player, offline mode was moderately fun, but in the end, a bit bland. The online experience was slightly better, but hugely repetitive. Played one character to about level 70, then stopped altogether. Didn't buy the expansion pack either.

Diablo III looks mildly interesting. Although I must say I don't care for the (in my opinion) too cartoony visuals (it simply looks TOO bright and 'happy' for a Diablo game), I think it has potential if they can manage to throw in some fresh ideas. My brother has expressed interest in giving this a try (even though he skipped part II altogether), so I might pick it up as well.