Quote Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
...If the artist only had the games title and nothing else to go by you would never come up with that. From just the name Phalanx the first thing that comes to mind would be historical battles from Rome or something similar, not a hill billy sat in a rocker playing the banjo whilst a space ship zooms by.
That seems like a competition/game that my parents play. It's called dictionary. Basically, you learn some really random words and what they mean. You sit with a group of six or so people and you state the word. Then everyone writes down what they think it means. Then the person that chose the word reads them out one by one and then people vote on which one they think is the correct answer. The more people that don't vote for the correct answer, the more points that person receives. I remember one of the words was 'Torsk'. One of the suggested meanings was ' A Russian issued army torch'. The correct answer was a type of fish. It is an awesome game to play.