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  1. #1
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    Leeuwarden, Netherlands Or Hell from time to time

    Disappointing pet offer

    Hello all,

    I while ago I told everyone here that I had lost my old cat Twizzel and that I really wanted a new cat to care for, unfortunate because it wasn't the season there were barely any kittens available.

    Yesterday I found an offer on an online auction site (people also offer animals here for adoption) a very sweet looking kitten whose temporary owners/caretakers were looking a home for.
    Because he reminded me a little of Twizzel I wanted to adopt so I sent them an Email asking if they still had the cat, I later got a telephone call from a woman with which I had a discussion, I told her that I had lost my own cat and really wanted to adopt the kitten she offered.

    The only problem was that she lived in a small town some distance from the city where I live, because I have no car of my own I asked her if she could bring the cat to me and that I would refund the gas costs, that apparently was a problem as she didn't exactly knew the street where I lived.
    Because she had to go somewhere she asked me if she could call me back later, in the meantime I would try to find someone with a car who could drive me to her house.

    Not much luck there so I hoped she would call back and that we could find some kind of solution, I never got a message; a telephone call or Email back from her.

    I find this rather insulting, I made it clear I really wanted that kitten and that I was willing to pay back any costs she had to make to get the cat here and this is how I got treated.
    I don't have much patience with people in general and when I get an example like this it really pisses me off.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  2. #2
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    Most people have a lot going on in their lives and easily forget things. I know I do. She obviously just forgot about it if she had other things on her mind. Why don't you ring her back again in the morning and ask if the kitten is still available and if she had thought of any way to get it to you.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  3. #3
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    That's the problem, she didn't give me her phone number because she would call me back.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  4. #4
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    Then email her.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  5. #5
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    I am a bit late with this.

    Well the problem is that I do not have her Email, I got in touch with her through an online market site that handles Emails through its own system, you are never given the Email address of the buyer/seller directly.

    I think its save to assure that she gave the cat to someone else.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

  6. #6
    Retro Addict Administrator
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    Burger Time Champion, Sonic Champion Harrison's Avatar
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    Oh well, what done is done. There is no point dwelling on things that have passed or beating yourself up about it. There are lots of cats always needing a new home so you should be able to find one. Do you have pet rescue shelters near you? Register with those and get one from there. You will then know you are definitely getting a cat that needs a home.

    If you haven't played a classic game in years, it's never too late to start!

  7. #7
    Angry Dutchman Ghost's Avatar
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    Leeuwarden, Netherlands Or Hell from time to time
    Hello Harrison,

    I did check out the animal rescue shelter a couple of days after the passing of my cat but at the time all the young animals were already reserved (they only had a handful BTW) and the older kitties... well there were serious issues with some of them.
    I even heard a horror story of someone who had abandoned his or her three cats in their old house, its unbelievable that such a person would be allowed to have pets.

    The most general problem with these older cats were that they would all of a sudden turn onto you, when you least expect it and at no provocation at all.

    Several people that I know have told me they have contacts whose cats are expecting a littler any day now, I guess I will have to wait for that.
    [I]Earth is like a 24 hour, Seven days a week Stupidity contest which has been running for centuries.
    And every time they are ready to pronounce a winner, a new contender appears on the scene.[/I]

    * * * *

    [I]He has seen half the universe who has not seen the house of pain (Ralph Waldo)[/I]

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