Forum FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How old are we?

For anyone new to this forum, by looking at the topics and content you may think the classicamiga forums have only been running since the end of 2006. This is actually far from the case. We originally started the classicamiga forum way back in 2002, making the forums a total of 8 years old at the start of 2010.

And the main website is even older, originally started by me before the forum and expanded over time.

Where did it begin?

The original members of classicamiga mostly met on the Amiga board, but due to the moderators on that site we quickly decided we needed a place of our own to chat and post about the Amiga.

Where was the first official forum?

The original classicamiga forum was hosted for free by a forum company called Invisionfree. They allow anyone to make a free forum based around the Invision Power Board software. It is completely free in exchange for them placing adverts on the forums.

This worked well for us to begin with due to us being a non-profit organisation/group. And while Invisionfree restricted the ability to add many extras to the basic forum, it did allow the ability to add a custom template to make it more unique.

We continued to keep the original forum on Invisionfree and this worked quite well. The only exception was that the search feature was always broken (and was never fixed).

What went wrong?

Everything continued to function well on the Invisionfree board until 2006. In November of 2006 the Invisionfree server hosting the classicamiga board suffered a harddrive failure. That's OK we though, they have stated they make "regular" backups of the servers in case of such events. But after more than a month of trying to find out what was happening we discovered the backups had been made to the same harddrive as the actual board! So they restored the board with the newest backup they still had, which was from March! This meant losing over 8 months worth of posts and messing up a lot of the board structure in the process.

A fresh start

So what did we do next?

It was then that the decision was made. We needed a forum of our own, under our own control, that we could backup ourselves and know it would be backed up regularly.

So after much research we decided that vBulletin was the best forum software available, and offered a greater level of features and the ability for expansion more than any other forum, including the Invison board software we had become used to.

So I purchased it, setup a new server, and the result is the forum you are now using which went online at the end of last year (2006).

The old forum archives

Forum version 1

For those who haven't been with us for long you may like to know that our original classicamiga forum, hosted by Invisionfree, is still up and running. It is now locked so no new members can register, and no new posts or topics can be made. It is just there for historical purposes.

It can be found at

If you do take a look, remember that many of the posts made between March 2006 and November 2006 will display an error when you try to view them as they were missing when Invisionfree did the partial restoration of the forum.

Forum version 2

There is also an archived mirror of the older version of our current forums. The current forum is running on the latest version of the vBulletin Board 4 software. This archived mirror is using the older vBulletin 3.8.x software. Many of the features on the current site are identical on this older version, and there are features that are no longer available. It is an interesting look at the version of our forums that we called home for over 4 years.

It can be found at

A complete history of Classicamiga

Do you still want to find out more?

If so then we are pleased to let you know that a more complete history of the whole site can be viewed by going to The History of

We hope you liked reading about the history behind

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