Steve Jobs is Dead - What a loss!
, 6th October 2011 at 07:14 (13210 Views)
[B]Steve Jobs is dead. [/B]It is a sad day when such a great technology innovator is no longer. Our country has gradually slipped from a "producer country" to a "service only country", and has diminished to near a "third world country", due to our socialist leadership.
Most family and/or co-workers do not know my "near connection" with Steve Jobs back in the 1988. At the San Francisco convention center Steve set up a completely networked NEXT computer graphics desktop publishing system, and from the leaders at the show I was the "first" to produce a full page of graphics, text, borders, and headline "Steve Jobs Has Done It Again!". I still have a copy in storage ... and Steve's assistant head looked all over the convention floor for me, because Mr. Jobs wanted to meet the person that accomplished this "first" ... but by the time they found me it was too late ... approaching my entourage his assistant yelled out "There he is!', and I thought I was being arrested ... but instead, was informed of my accomplishments.
I later received word from his assistant that Mr. Steve Jobs wanted me to bring all of my Amiga hardware and software and spend two weeks at his technology Next headquarters, demonstrating my use of AREX (IBM's invention ported to my platform) on my Amiga. He was not interested in the hardware ... just the way that I had interfaced all differing software (AREX GLUE) to each other, making a massive combined very large application.
My software was: 1) edit list of commands, 2) infrared controllers of single-frame video recorders, 3) time-base corrected video hardware, 4) video recording equipment with video switching of inputs, 5) sound recording and playing software, all controlled and synchronized with AREX.
I said NO, because I was needed to help "save" our Dallas Times Herald.
Oh, well ... he would have worked ME to death.