Stylish Amiga Case for Modern Computer Hardware
, 17th March 2013 at 21:40 (52709 Views)
I would like to introduce you a stylish Amiga case for modern computer hardware, like a PPC for OS 4.1 or Intel-processors :
It's a Kickstarter project and I'm not the initiator. I would like to appeal to you to make this project coming true, especially for it is not that much missing to get the project funded. I consider it as a worth contribution to the Amiga community. There is a recently added backing option called 'Wait for me!' that could fit to many of you like in my case. If you pledge, the reward is that the amount is charged against the purchase price later. You avoid the need for paying the full price at once and secure the option to get such a case without a loss regarding the pledge.
I just like the project and hope to reach some of you who are sharing this opinion.