Hi guys, Haven't updated this blog for quite a while now, since I've got another one going called The Old-school Game Blog. You can visit it through the link below: http://oldschoolgameblog.wordpress.com/ I write about everything related to old-school gaming and computing. The main focus is of course the Amiga, as that is my all-time favourite computer like you all know. Please feel free to give me some feedback. I'd be happy to hear what you ...
IContain - Rent-to-own Amiga systems Bring out your popcorn and sodas. Close your curtains and turn off your mobile phone. It's time to watch another episode in the Amiga soap-opera series.. Can you contain yourself? On the 24th of February 2011, an article was posted on amiga-news.de concerning a company called IContain. I've included the news item in its full below, so you can see for yourself what's going on: IContain announces Amiga branded ...
Hi everyone. I've been writing about Amiga related topics in my previous blog entries. This time I'm going to do something different, as I've read some hot news concerning the Playstation 2. While browsing Google News the other day, I noticed a headline about the Playstation 2. It said "Sony raches 150 millionth sale of the Playstation 2". Man.. that is something, eh? 150 (!) million consoles? An incredible number to say the least. A true milestone. ...
Turbocharging the Amiga 600 in 2011 Who would have thought years ago that new accelerators would be released for the classic Amiga range in 2010? I know I wouldn't. Especially NOT for the Amiga 600. It turns out that a company called Individual Computers (Jens Schönfeld) released a brand new accelerator for the Amiga 600 a short while ago. The board goes by the name ACA 630/25 and can be purchased through Online retailers like Vesalia in Germany and Amigakit in ...
Updated 23rd January 2011 at 18:27 by Puni/Void
The 15th Anniversary of Void Wow, time flies doesn't it? This summer it's 15 years since the demogroup Void saw the light of day! Isn't that incredible? 15 years! I think it's fantastic that the group is still alive and that we recently released a new production (Versus) in co-operation with the crazy Swedes in Nukleus. If that's not enough, we're planning to release a new issue of our musicpack this summer. tn_5368_void - absolute dolle.png My history with ...