View Full Version : Gloom CD32

18th September 2007, 18:23
Had a few games of Gloom the other day on the CD32, and what amazed me was the overall speed of the 3D engine. It was much faster than I could remember. When playing this game on a standard Amiga 1200, I think I recall it being a bit sluggish on full screen. Have any of you other noticed any speed difference between a vanilla Amiga 1200 and a vanilla CD32 when it comes to Gloom?

If there is a difference, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Akiko chip, as it is responsible for chunky to planar routines. Maybe one can notice difference in Alien Breed 3D and Fears also?

18th September 2007, 23:36
You are correct. It is the Akiko chip that is making the difference, but the game has to be altered to take advantage of it, which in most cases didn't happen and most were just the same A1200 games put on a CD. I think AB3DII might have benefited, but I'm not sure about Fears.

22nd September 2007, 09:50
I will give Fears a go as well, to see if there's any significant difference. For running Alien Breed 3D II, the CD32 must have upgrades, so I can't try that out. Unless I get one of those SX expansions of course, but they are of course both very expensive and hard to get hold of.